At the end of 2023, Tesla's second-generation Optimus Prime will be released. The second generation Optimus Prime is equipped with Tesla designed actuators and sensors, a 2-degree-of-freedom neck drive, an 11 degree-of-freedom hand, tactile sensors, actuator integrated electronics and wiring harnesses, foot force/torque sensors, articulated toes, and more. The video shows that the second-generation Optimus Prime can easily and accurately grasp and place eggs, and the entire process is relatively smooth and coherent. The entire process of turning left hand to right hand is also quite coherent, demonstrating its exquisite control ability with both hands.
In May of this year, the Yushu G1 humanoid robot was released. It is reported that the G1 can be equipped with the Dex3-1 force controlled dexterous hand. Through force position hybrid control, the G1 can simulate the precise operation ability of a human hand and accurately control various objects. Whether performing routine operations such as smashing walnuts, transporting heavy objects, or picking up fragile items such as eggs, G1 can demonstrate extremely high precision and stability. The G1 robot can also easily handle delicate tasks such as opening and welding water bottles, which were previously considered difficult for machines to handle. Now, with the agile control of the G1, these tasks have become effortless.